Call for entries 2021 Luis Valtueña Award
October 01, 2021
About Opportunity
Since 1997, each year, Médicos del Mundo Spain has organized the Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award dedicated to the memory of Flors Sirera, Luis Valtueña, Manuel Madrazo, and Mercedes Navarro, four members of the association who were killed in Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina while engaged in humanitarian work.
With this award, the association aims to provide continuity to the work of all of those who, like them, contribute to building a fairer and better world. Their commitment and solidarity are values that constitute the essence of this competition.
About Organizer
Médicos del Mundo (Doctors of the World) is an NGO, independent of any political or religious affiliation, that promotes human development by defending every person’s fundamental right to health and dignified life. The organization is made up of volunteers and staff who join their efforts to achieve universal, fair access to health and denounce violations of this right.
In 2019, Médicos del Mundo España worked in 21 countries or territories in Africa, America, Asia and Europe through 109 projects.
Who can Participate: 18+ professional or amateur photographers from all over the world.
Location: Madrid, Spain
Application details:
The images presented must tell a story related to one of these topics:
- Health;
- Natural disasters;
- Humanitarian action;
- International cooperation;
- Social exclusion;
- Violation of human rights;
- Armed conflicts;
- Vulnerable groups;
- Refugee populations and/or migrants.
Additional details:
- The candidates can submit a series with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 images;
- At least 50% of the total series must have taken place between 2020 and 2021.
- € 6,000 cash prize
- A professional camera Leica Q2
- A set of 10 photo books published by La Fábrica
- Display in the collective exhibition
- Attendance cost coverage for the award ceremony and inauguration of the exhibition at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, scheduled for March 2022
Deadline: October 6, 2021